I have a lot of amazing friends that have come along through the years. I am so grateful for all of them! But sometimes in life there are those friends that go above and beyond what you could ever dream a friend could be. One of those friends of mine is a guy named Truman Falkner. He gave me the piano that is pictured in this blog. It is one of the most amazing upright pianos I have ever heard.

Also, just a little trick on a simple mic’ing technique that worked out really well for a recording we did… I put a couple of Oktava pencil mics in a stereo spread position and then threw an Audio Technica 4047 on the back for a mono signal. I was PLEASANTLY surprised with the outcome of this mic’ing technique and how full the piano sounded. Those mics are always a great option to utilize on any acoustic instrument. There is just something about the way they capture the frequencies just right.

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